Our Foundation Stage
In the foundation stage, all children are provided with experiences and lessons that address: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication (including language and literacy); Problem-Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy; Knowledge and Understanding of the World; Physical and Creative Development.
Children in the foundation stage throughout their developing growth have access to first hand experiences based upon play, communication and exploring.
Teachers and their assistants will provide the opportunity to:
- learn in high-quality, well-organised and stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environments
- have a quality education that is integrated with quality care
- enjoy early learning as part of a lifelong process
- have a learning experience which fully involves their parent and provides opportunities for them to learn and develop together
- develop strong self-esteem and motivation
- have access to learning opportunities that are based upon ongoing assessment of what they already know and can do
- have their different needs respected and catered for
- develop as active learners, also as creative and critical thinkers
- grow in confidence
- establish successful relationships with adults and peers
- spend their time with professional, caring staff who are early years trained and who frequently and critically examine their own practice in order to improve
- have teachers and early childhood educators who undertake frequent training and development.
All teachers and early childhood educators will work as an active, contributing part of a team, in order to:
- undertake formative assessment of children’s play and involvement throughout the academic year
- undertake and assist in observations, monitoring, assessment and recording of children’s learning and development
- observe children daily in various ways: taking notes, writing focused observations, taking children through a session, taking photographs and video footage
- use information about experience and attainment to set well-grounded expectations for children
- monitor children's progress and attainment to give clear and constructive support to children and their parents
- plan high quality learning and teaching experiences for each day with a specific learning focus, which target some children
- plan for some adults to be deployed in an area or activity and others to be in a more flexible role – supporting child-initiated learning
- meet the needs of more able and less able children, appropriately
- prepare and present accurate and effective ongoing reports of children
- undertake summative assessments of children’s achievement using tracking tools
- use parents’ knowledge of their children to inform curriculum planning where possible and practical
- encourage children to think about and reflect upon their learning and develop their autonomy, decision-making, self-discipline, involvement, independence and emotional well-being
- provide planned learning and teaching opportunities through free-flow play, talk, investigation and problem-solving, first-hand experiences, games and group activities
- encourage and support open dialogue and mutual respect with parents
- share information with parents about their child’s learning, development, health and welfare on an ongoing and confidential basis
- visibly demonstrate good practice through daily interactions, wall displays, etc
- participate in home visits to support children and families during the time that they use the school.