Our secondary school cultivates independent learning, research and inquiry so that children experience opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge in real life situations.
Subject teaching is personalised rather than based on specific textbooks or subject curriculum projects. Each subject adopts an approach that includes the application of knowledge and verification of understanding. Hence, there is a strong component of practical science; a regular cycle of small and large applied problem-solving activity in mathematics; fieldwork and applied challenges in geography; research and use of primary and secondary sources in history.
The subject choice at GCSE and iGCSE is extensive and includes: English Literature and Language, Mathematics and Further Mathematics, Science and separate Sciences, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art, Music, Computing/ICT and PE.
Students receive guidance in making choices that reflect their ability, interests, and potential future destinations. We place great value on parents’ and students’ own preferences and we do not restrict access to examinations unfairly.
The school will take a pragmatic view of syllabuses and qualifications, ensuring that subject teachers are closely in touch with their examining bodies and engaged in learning what the examiners find strong and weak in recent answers.
The school will teach for understanding and deep learning but its mission is to ensure that all children reach their potential, so the preparation for sitting examinations will be taken very seriously. Department schemes of work will lead to detailed work programmes and lesson plans that map learning attributes to subject learning syllabuses.